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- Representing the patrol officers of the MBTA Transit Police -

News and Updates


Brothers and Sisters,

With the solemn news of our members being infected by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we wanted to pass along the latest news we have pertaining to its impact within the Association. We understand everyone’s frustration with the inability of the Administration to be fourth coming with the information on who is specifically infected. Unfortunately the information is protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act and must remain confidential to stay in accordance with that. However it is safe to assume that with the news of any infected Officers, we are all subject to exposure. In that light we should all continue to practice the social distancing guidelines set fourth by the CDC, even with one another at work, as well as with the public, to the best extent we can.  Continue to properly wash your hands often, especially after touching any surfaces within stations, even sub stations and the Headquarters building. At this point the Administration should have distributed to you all the proper PPE they have available. They should be receiving disinfectant wipes for the cruisers in the near future. If you are not feeling well and showing any of the symptoms associated with the COVID-19 virus, please stay home by contacting work partners and informing your immediate supervisor. 

I have attached a link from the CDC website that outlines procedures for all businesses. There are other procedures specifically pertaining to law enforcement, which has been passed to the department, via email, by the Administration. However this document addresses general questions and procedures every essential business that remains open should be following.  This website addresses what to do if you think you are sick, if a family member becomes infected, and the criteria for returning to work, both being tested and not being tested. Please read through the document and send any questions or conflict through your chain of command and to one of the E-Board members. 

It has also come to our attention that the MBTA is attempting to document the reason why an individual is calling out sick. This occurrence is happening T wide and not just to our department. In the event that you are needing to call out of your shift, and you receive a call from the MBTA requesting information about the sick day, you do not have to answer them. If this happens to you, respectfully tell them to “Contact my Union”, and end the conversation. 

We understand these are frightening times and want you to please contact us if any concerns or issues arise. 


Follow link to find guidelines on “HOW TO DISCONTINUE HOME ISOLATION”


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Membership Meeting

Brothers and Sisters,

As you are all aware the Association was planning to hold a membership meeting on March 29. With the recent developments regarding the COVID-19 Virus, specifically the social distancing requests and the banning of group meetings including more than 25 people from State and Federal Governments, this coming meeting will be postponed. With the evolving situation we cannot set a date for the meeting at this time, but will notify you all once the situation levels out. 

We understand this is a trying time for all of the membership, as well as your families. The E-Board is in communication with the Administration to work out issues as they arise. As always, please reach out to an E-Board member with any questions or concerns.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Meeting of the Membership

Brothers and Sisters,

A meeting of the membership will be held on Sunday March 29, 2020 at the Mass Bay Credit Union located at 147 W Fourth St, Boston. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM. An agenda will be distributed to the membership shortly. The January and February financial reports have also been posted on the website. As always if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to an E-Board member.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Executive Board Vacancies

Brothers and Sisters,

We hope you all had a good holiday season. With the resignation of Officer Jeff Silva and Andrew Torres from the Executive Board, as well as the department, the Secretary and Night VP positions have been left vacant. In accordance with the by laws, those spots have been filled with appointed positions as follows. Officer Anthony Petrola has resigned his position as Treasurer and has been appointed to the Night Vice President position. Officer Derek Lopilato has been appointed to the Treasurer position and Detective Joseph Sacco has been appointed to the Secretary position. In accordance with the Association By-Laws, a special election will be held in the spring for all three positions. We will announce the election date at a later time, along with instructions on how to submit your name for the ballot. 

The financial reports for the 2019 fall months have been completed and uploaded to the website. At the end of this month, all of the 2019 reports will be complied to one and archived on the site, as previous years have been.

There has been no progress made with Labor Relations in the negotiating of a successor bargaining agreement. In the event there is an update to the negotiating, we will notify you all.

As always, please reach out to an E-Board member with any issues that arise.


The E-Board

Matthew Donovan
Union Meeting Agenda

As previously announced, we have scheduled a meeting of the association to take place at the Mass Bay Credit Union, located at 147 West Fourth Street, South Boston, on Sunday, October 27th at 9:00am. The agenda for the meeting has been established and is as follows:

  • Present Financial Status

  • Legal Issues

  • Retroactive Pay Update (IOD, Military, B/C Rate, and Education)

  • Contract Negotiations

  • PFML Brief

  • Questions / Open Forum

We encourage all members who are able to, to attend the meeting. Any questions please feel free to contact a board member.

Jeffrey Silva
Retro Pay

As you are all aware the second round of retroactive payments were issued today. We are aware of the missed payments and our attorney has been working it out with Labor Relations and the Payroll Department since the pay checks posted on Tuesday. Through conversing with the membership it appears the discrepancy largely affected members who’s seniority is in the 470’s and below. In an effort to streamline the correction we are requesting anyone who did not receive a line item labeled “Retro” in this pay check please send an Email to so that we can gather a more accurate list of discrepancies for Labor Relations. 

We understand and are as equally frustrated with this situation as all of you affected. We are looking at all avenues to fix and finalize this issue as quickly as possible. As soon as Labor Relations gives us an answer as to what happened and how it will be resolved, we will pass that info on to you. 

Jeffrey Silva
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